Taste of Place Episode 8


In this episode of Taste of Place, Anna chats with:

  • Locals in Kapit, Sarawak.

Here are some highlights:

Anna’s Visit to Kapit

  • Anna talks about how despite no longer speaking the Iban language, she always feels wholly welcomed and accepted when she goes back to visit Kapit.

  • Anna describes the journey of how to get from Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, to Kapit.

  • Anna talks about the changes and growth of Kapit now compared to when she visited during the pandemic in 2019.

Gawai: The Harvest Festival

  • Anna describes her experience celebrating Gawai, the annual harvest festival celebrated by the Dayak people in Sarawak.

Daily Life in Kapit

  • Anna speaks with locals in Kapit who describe their everyday life and how they make a living.

  • Anna recounts a day in Kapit visiting longhouses and sharing meals with locals and family members.

The Terasang Market

  • Anna describes the Terasang Market, the focal point of Kapit. She speaks with the locals about the goods they sell.

  • Anna compares the goods and produce she saw at the market with her previous visits.

Aunty Peh’s Laksa Cafe

  • Anna talks about her visit to Aunty Peh’s Laksa Cafe and describes the different ways laksa can be made.

  • Anna describes how she makes her laksa back in London using the premade laksa paste she brought back from Sarawak.


Taste of Place Ep 7: An Imagined Past


Taste of Place Ep 9: The Power of Storytelling