Magic Lessons

Students at 826 Valencia teach us how to do the otherworldly when it comes to cooking and eating.

Illustration by Sendy Santamaria

Illustration by Sendy Santamaria

Kaedo Valdes, Age 10 / Starr King Elementary School

How to Be a Magical Chef 

First, you get a monster and make sure it’s a good monster. The good ones are blue or purple. To find a monster you’re gonna have to go to a dirty swamp. If it’s a bad monster, then the person who eats it will become a MONSTER!!!

Then you have to cut up the monster. Make sure it’s tender. Don’t cut yourself. Make sure to cut like an onion with your knuckles in front.  

Later on you have to make a good sauce using magical ingredients. Use magical butter and rosemary. You will know they’re magic because they’re green and you got them from a fairy. Make sure to ask them and say, “Can I have butter and rosemary?” nicely or they will not give it to you. 

Then you have to sear it on the magic pan, then put it in the oven. Put it in the oven for a year. Check its temperature and wait one year, because a year is like an hour in that world. 

Afterwards, you go to the magical garden and get some cabbage.You will know it’s a magic garden because it says so on the GPS. Make sure to get the good ones, they’re purple. Never get the red ones or it will taste bad. If you do pick the red ones, then they will taste bitter and sour and spicy. 

After that, make sure to get other ingredients like corn, avocado, tomatoes, and ranch. But not any kind of corn. You need a purple kind, and you need the orange ranch, and the magic tomatoes the fairy gave you. Ask nicely or they will not give them to you. 

Then put your steak on a plate and your salad. Go to the swamp to get some judges. Ask “Do you want to judge my steak and salad?”  

After, serve them the salad and make sure it’s all perfect. You will know it’s perfect because the salad will be colorful, and the steak will have a good crust and be red inside. Unless you have Gordon as your judge, they will like it. 

Last, make sure to put a piece of steak under your pillow, and the chef fairy will give you a chef hat. To know if you’re a magical chef, a chef hat will just appear on your head one day.

Jayden Perez Gutierrez, Age 8 / Bret Harte Elementary School 

How to Eat Ten Pies in One Second 

First, go to a pie store so you can get the pies. You all get different ones.

Second, buy ten potions at the store to help you eat fast. They’re blue.

Ten people help you. You find them in the pie store. You give them the potions. 

You give them the potions so they can eat fast.

Take the pies and the people to your house so they can help you. 

When you get to the house, you drink the potions and start eating the pies.

Then you can eat everything in one second.

Shatia Pease-Finklea, Age 10 / Starr King Elementary School 

How to Make a Cake That Has a Potion in It That Makes You Small 

  1. You need a potion, an Easy Bake Oven, and a medium pan. Add two daisies, three roses, a spider web, four fruit snacks, and six packs of vanilla frosting.

  2. Eat a small piece of the small cake to become small.

  3. After you eat the cake, go to sleep. When you wake up, you will be small.

  4. Your grandpa and grandma do not know that you are small and they try to step on you and you feel scared.

  5. The cake will also make a copy of everything in your house and will make it small to match you.

  6. You also need a second cake that will make you big. Add four roses, a pack of flour, a pepper, saltwater, a piece of twig from a tree, a whole pack of cherry Tic Tacs, and six packs of gum.

Melany Aguilar Castanon, Age 8 / Bret Harte Elementary School 

Quiero ser una mariposa 

Paso 1: Yo soy una niña. Yo me levanto de la cama. 

Paso 2:  Yo me voy a comer. Me gusta la sopa. No me da calor.

Paso 3: Tiene un sabor rico.  

Paso 4: Yo me voy a bañar con agua tibia.

Paso 5: Después de bañarme me convierto en mariposa.

Paso 6: Me pongo el polvo. El polvo es mágico y es de oro.

I Want To Be A Butterfly 

Step 1: I am a girl. I get up from bed. 

Step 2:  I’m going to eat. I like soup. It doesn’t make me hot. 

Step 3: It has a delicious flavor.  

Step 4: I go take a bath with warm water.

Step 5: After taking a bath, I turn into a butterfly.

Step 6: I put on the powder. The powder is magical and it is gold. 

826 Valencia

Whetstone is pleased to work with 826 Valencia, an organization that supports underserved students in creative and technical writing. We’ll be sharing student poems and pieces about food.


French Cuisine’s Changing Grammar


Poland’s Daily Bread